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a blog about my learning progress

What I learned about CSS so far:

Syntax and what they mean:

/* */ = Comment
* = Universel selector
margin = Space around the box
padding = Space inside box (breathing room)
color = Color of text
background-color = Color of background
background-image = Image of background
font-size = Size of font
font-weight = Thickness of font
font-family = The chosen font
font-property = Groups multiple font commands
text-align = Alignment of text
text-transformation = Uppercase, lowercase, capitalize
text-decoration = Lines (underline, overline, etc.)
link = Declare how links are displayed
visited = Declare how unvisited links are displayed
hover = Declare how the hovering over a links is displayed
line-hight = Vertical spacing between lines of text
border = Outermost part of box
border-width = Thickness of border
border-style = Solid, dotted, dashed, etc.
border-color = Color of border

Didn't find the proper syntax? Try this!

Author Styles
Methodes of adding author styles
  1. Inline Styles ⇾ directly in HTML (should be used very sparingly)
  2. Internal Styles ⇾ same as above but with CSS declarationes
  3. External Styles ⇾ with CSS (very efficient)
Add your style sheet
Add your style sheet

write in the header underneath the title:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="folder/file.css">

Type selector
Type selector

aka element selector.

Select an element of your HTML.

Elements like div, p, li etc.

ID selector
ID selector

Targets a specific element with an id.

First give your HTML a id="meaningfulIDName"

then in your CSS #meaningfulIDName{}

ID's can only be used once and have the highest priority.

Class selector
Class selector

Targets multiple elements within a class.

First give your HTML a class="meaningfulIDName"

then in your CSS .meaningfulIDName{}

Media Queries
How to use the Media Queries

Today we access websites with all our devices. Some are as wide as a monitor. Some as narrow as smartphones. Since a wide layout wouldn't be displayed properly on a narrow one and vice versa there is the media query.

When you use the media query and give it speciffic parameters like a max browser width the browser will check first which size it has and picks the right style sheet section. There you can for example declare a diffrent font size, spacing, colors and so on.

@media (parameters like min-width: 900px)

{After that add your changes.}