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a blog about my learning progress

What I learned about HTML so far:

Syntax and what they mean:

<!‐‐ ‐‐> = Comment
< head > = Contains information about the Website
< title > = Name of Website (visible in tab)
< body > = Body of Website
< h1 > ‐ < h6 > = Hedings with diffrent importance
< p > = Paragraph
< ul > = Unordert list
< ol > = Orderd list
< li > = List item
< a > = Anker element
< header > = Head of page
< footer > = Foot of Page
< section > = Section
< article > = Article
< nav > = Navigation
< aside > = Non main focus section
< q > = Quote
< main > = Main content of the body
< div > = Generic container
< img > = Images
< figure > =
< figcaption > =
< br > = Break
< hr > = Horizontal line
< strong > = Bold
< small > = Small
< em > = Kursiv
< span > =
src = Source
alt = Alternativ
target = Target
type = Creates a box for input (textbox, checkbox, etc.)

Didn't find the proper syntax? Try this!

HTML constructions
HTML constructions

To declare a Website as an HTML document the first line must be written as followed:

< ! DOCTYPE html >

" < Roots > " are used to open and close a command. To close a root add a " / " between the " < " and the command.


Any text between the < a > tag will turn into a klickable link. But it won't take you anywere. To add the link to an < a > tag write:

<a href= "url"> Example: Useful site with all commands </a>

To open your link in a new tab window add after the href declaration target="_blank".

Structure of a Website
Structure example of a Website
Structure example of a Website


Use the <img> tag to display images.

<img src="filepath.jpg" alt="explenation" title="description"/>


To open the default mail program by klicking on a mail address you need to write:

<a href="mailto:mail@adress.com"></a>

To add a default subject write:

<a href="mailto:mail@adress.com?subject=yourdefaultsubject"></a>

How to add a favicon

First you need an icon as a png file. Remember it needs to be in a square format with a resolution of max 48px.

Add it to your files and write

<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="file path.png">

below the title of your page in all your html.